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We are taking this opportunity to congratulate Emma Robert (Camp Name – Geller) who has been hired as our new Summer Camp Director! She is very enthusiastic, skilled, and knowledgeable about Camp Kawartha and its operations. Geller is full of creative ideas and is eager to get started!

Welcome Emma!

Hello Camp Kawartha Family!

I am really very excited to be stepping into the role of Summer Camp Director this upcoming summer! I know that this will be a transition for many as we begin to adjust to having a new Summer Camp Director, particularly following Adam’s (Wham) 19-year legacy in the position. I am looking forward to having the opportunity to work together as a team with the staff to continue to build upon Camp Kawartha’s legacy and continue to make memorable summers for all our campers and families. 

I am eager to get to know staff and camper families better as we embark on Camp Kawartha’s next century of creating magical summer camp experiences! For those of you who don’t know me too well, I’ll share a little bit about myself and my roots here at camp!  

I started as a camper at Camp Kawartha in 2006, when I was 7 years old. I was in Maple with one of my best friends from school. I remember playing Phobias during Evening Program that summer and just having an absolute BLAST and thinking that I had to return year after year. I completed Leaders in Training in 2015, and I was a cabin counsellor in the two years following. I was lucky enough to have several current staff members as campers in my cabin during those years. My years as a Cabin Counsellor were some of my favourite at camp and I loved creating ‘WOW’ moments for my campers wherever possible. In 2018 I was the Resource Specialist, and in the following year I acted as the Program Director. This most recent summer I was privileged to fill the role of Assistant Summer Camp Director, and it was very meaningful to me to get to be a part of creating summer camp in such an imperative year during the pandemic. 

Separate from Camp, I completed my degree in Drama in Education and Community at the University of Windsor, and I hold a minor in child psychology. I am passionate about equity, diversity, and inclusion, and I am always seeking to learn how I can better support various communities. I love spending time outdoors, particularly hiking and canoeing, and I am always looking for ways that I can minimize my impact and positively contribute to the rewilding and rejuvenating of natural spaces. Some of my hobbies include playing guitar, baking, and recently, collaging (picked that one up in summer 2021). 

Through my history filling a variety of positions at Camp, I have been lucky to get to learn the ins-and-outs of what it means to run a summer camp. I am confident that through coming together, and forming a strong team, we will be able to keep the vision of summer camp alive and flourishing.

I can’t wait to begin working with our wonderful community to keep the spark and joy of summer camp alive and burning bright in the coming years! 

Emma Robert (Geller)

Summer Camp Director