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The Evening Examiner, Peterborough – Friday, August 18, 1922

Visited the Boys’ Camp as Guests of the Rotary Club — A Program of Sports.


The Kiwanis Club were the guest of the Rotary Club at the Rotary camp at Clear Lake yesterday, and the stag party was thoroughly enjoyed. The party motored to Kawartha Park where they were met by launches kindly
placed at their disposal by Gerald Wood, George Green and Claude Rogers, and transported to the camp. On their arrival they were greeted by the 50 Rotary boys with wild enthusiasm and an elaborate sports programme was arranged. The baseball game between the boys and the Kiwanians and Rotarians combined, in which the adults won, was a feature of the day.

Foot races, swimming events and aquatic sports came off and some splendid prizes were awarded.

The Rotarians served a buffet luncheon to their guests, and the party returned home about 9:30, happy in the justification of the work of the clubs evidenced in the smiling and sunburned aggregation of boys, who
through their boys’ work have enjoyed two glorious weeks. There was no indecision in their reply when President John Crane asked them if they had had a good time. They unanimously declared they wanted to be in on the camp again next year.

The camp has been under the direction of Douglas Loomis for the last two weeks assisted by Fred McNeely and several trusty seniors. The commissariat has been looked after by Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins, whose work
the boys highly commend. The Camp, which has been so successful in every way, breaks up to-morrow, the boys returning by boat and train, arriving at 5:10 p.m.

The results of the races held at the Rotary Camp yesterday by the Rotarians, who had as their guests the Kiwanians, were as follows:
75 yards, under 12 years—1 Ted Knowles, 2 C. Armstrong.
100 yards. 12 years and under—1 W. Miller, 2 Alex. Adam.
100 yards, 14 and under—1 H. Weston. 2 W. Miller.
100 yards, 16 and under—1 L. Bearne. 2 C. Murray.
Throwing the ball—1 H. Weston, 2 L. Bearne.
Boot race—1 C. Armstrong, 2 A. Bacon.
Walking on hands—1 C. Castle, 2 A. Woodcock.
Three-legged race—1 H. O’Toole and W. Cole. 5
Wheel-barrow race—1 Woodcock Bros.
Swimming, 12 and under—1 C. Joyce, 2 Simpson.
14 and under—1 A. Bacon, 2 H. Weston.
16 and under—1 H. O’Toole, 2 C. Joyce.
Front five-1 H. O’Toole, 2 C. Joyce.
John McKone captured the fifty yard dash with Dr. John Craig second, for the former, and Gerald
Wood and Claude Rogers winners of the Rotary event.

The prizes were donated to the club and were of a miscellaneous variety that gladdened the heart of boyhood. Such things as bathing suits and mouth organs were eagerly vied for.

Do you recognize any of the names?  If you do, please reach out and tell us about them!

Any photos or films from your Camp Kawartha days in your archive?  We’d love to see them.  Recently, Edward Smith kindly provided us with copies of photos from the 1920s.  His father attended then and appears in a couple of the photos.