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Stories in the snow…

Here is a true story that happened during one of my winter walks. Who knows what you might discover? I once noticed a doe who was wandering the woods. She was tired and nursed an injured right hind leg. She lay down in a thicket of bushes until she heard some coyotes....

Bird Whispering

I was skeptical when a birding friend said he could call birds in from the forest. “What are you talking about?” I told him. Birds are skittish. If there is one thing I know, they don’t come when they’re called. With a smile on his face and a glint his eye, he said...

Helping to Create a More Sustainable Future

Camp Kawartha is thrilled to have assisted in the establishment of the Peterborough-Kawartha-Haliburton as a Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) on Education for Sustainable Development as designated by the United Nations University and endorsed by UNESCO. RCE’s...

Nature Showcase: Calling all Fireflies

Ah, the gentle flash of a firefly; the hallmark of any early summer’s eve! Like tiny bursts of starlight, these pulses of white and green light punctuate the dark like the dots and dashes of Morse code. Technically a beetle, these “lightening bugs” (another name for...

Knowing Nature Takes More Than Books and Devices…

I work as an Executive Director for an outdoor and environmental education centre. I have a friend who grew up without computers and handheld devices. He is a wonderful naturalist. A walk through the woods with Drew (my friend) takes a long, long time. Every few steps...