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Rotary Clubs Come Together to Help Prep

Getting our facilities ready for Summer Camp is a complex undertaking! We have two full-time staff members taking care of all our property needs. They are responsible for 190 acres of forests, wetlands, trails, 20 buildings, plus a multifaceted septic and water...

We Need Your Help – Gardeners Wanted!

‘Many hands make light work’ the old saying goes and we could certainly use many hands for our gardens this spring…and summer…and fall! We understand that most gardeners will be devoting hours to their own gardens, but we have five gardens and are planning to add two...

Nature Showcase – Who is Sleeping and Who is in a Torpor?

Out for a walk the other morning and what did we smell – skunk! Yep, that delicious smell of skunk was wafting around. ‘Skunks hibernate, don’t they?’ was the question and a quick ‘Yes.’ was the response. Then why the odour? Why was our skunk ‘up’? Everyone knows and...

COEO Hosts Their Conference at Camp Kawartha

More than 100 outdoor educators from across the province visited our main site at Camp Kawartha for an educational retreat called Make Peace with Winter from January 20th to January 22nd Offered by the Council of Outdoor Educators of Ontario (COEO), this organization...

Nature Showcase – The Flicker

Look at the size of that beak! Wow! This is a bird with a sharp, pointy bill! The Common Flicker, or Northern Flicker, is member of the Woodpecker family, so it makes sense that their bill is so large. These birds, as their name suggests, are common throughout North...